pastor John and family
Who am I?
I'm John Harney, a Nevada native who grew up as a Christian but will be the first to admit I failed more than I succeeded as a representative of Jesus, yet God pursued me relentlessly.
How did I get here?
After retiring from a career in civil service, I leaned into God’s Word, studying under great pastors, seminary professors and Christian mentors. I have a passion for learning The Word of God and continue seminary courses and biblical study as God ministers to me. God's forgiveness, and the depth of the Bible, blows me away. I blame my becoming a pastor on God's obvious sense of humor. I more related to Paul's statement to Timothy in his first letter that "Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, of whom I'm chief", than any saintly person I knew. I definitely recognize God qualifies the called regardless how goofy we see ourselves if we avail ourselves to be used. I hope to share how amazing a real relationship with the author and finisher of creation and salvation can be. I pray my journey can be used to minister to others.
What do I have going on?
A lot! I go to the gym and mostly talk, I love hanging with my wife, friends and family, and I really do enjoy studying the Bible every day. I'm into cooking and love kid cereals way too much. I listen to and follow a variety of Bible teaching ministries and pastors. In my spare time I co-host a weekly podcast, “Christian Men Unscripted". At church I place an emphasis on sharing God’s truths in the context of God’s Word, with practical application for daily living. Sharing God’s love and grace, through Jesus Christ, which is the good news that there is victory over sin and death, that nothing in your past is beyond redemption, needs to be heard by everyone!
My wife has put up with me almost 30 years. We have young adult twins that are pretty ok. Just my opinion.